
FigJam Rocks!

Note from Tom: I have partnered with Figma to create content to help teachers use FigJam to facilitate student collaboration. Some of the posts on this page were part of that paid collaboration. Some of it is not. I identify Figma as a partner in content I was compensated for.

The most exciting app in EdTech is FigJam. Use FigJam for collaborative whiteboarding and brainstorming with students.

Here are resources to help you get up and running with FigJam in the classroom.

Tom Mullaney speaking at the Figma ISTE 2023 Teaching Theater.
Tom Mullaney speaking at the Figma ISTE 2023 Teaching Theater. Photo by Alex Fagundez.

Presenting App Smashing with FigJam on the Shake Up Learning YouTube channel.

Talking to Vicki Davis about FigJam on The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast.

Tom’s Google Innovator Sparkcamp Saturday session, 20 FigJam Features in 20 Minutes.

Tom’s Jamboard to FigJam transition YouTube playlist.

Tom’s FigJam tips and ideas YouTube playlist.

Are you a teacher curious about using the FigJam with your students? Tweet me at @TomEMullaney or comment below. Are you a school district in need of FigJam professional development? I would love to work with you! Please e-mail me at

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